A letter asking Stokes to support on making the birthday of Dr. King a national holiday.
![Letter to Congressman Louis Stokes from Herbert Belton](https://avoice.cbcfinc.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/txu-cbc-75-f8-08-pdf-300x288.jpg)
A letter asking Stokes to support on making the birthday of Dr. King a national holiday.
A speech by Rep. Mitchell regarding H.B. 320 (a Maryland State legislative bill to make Dr. Martin Luther King's birthday a legal State holiday) that passed the State House.
A speech on celebration of the birthday of Martin Luther King Jr.
A speech by Sen. Tunney on cosponsoring Senate Joint Resolution 5 (p. 5087).
A copy of Resolution # 194 concerning making the birthday of Dr. King a national holiday by the Board of Chosen Freeholders.