Laws and legislation

Introduction of H.R. 2477, to designate birthday of Martin Luther King Jr. a holiday

Birthday of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.; Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
Speech honoring Dr. Martin Luther King

Additional cosponsors for S. 743

Introduction of H.R. 14906, to designate birthday of Martin Luther King Jr. a holiday

Introduction of H.R. 5071, to designate birthday of Martin Luther King Jr. a holiday

Introduction of H.R. 3810, to designate birthday of Martin Luther King Jr. a holiday

Birthday of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
Speech honoring Dr. Martin Luther King

Additional cosponsors for S.J. Res. 5

Introduction of H.R. 1050, to designate birthday of Martin Luther King Jr. a holiday

Introduction of H.R. 8497, to designate birthday of Martin Luther King Jr. a holiday