Laws and legislation

Draft of a letter from George Crockett to Claude Pepper, from the United States House of Representatives, regarding South Africa

South Africa

Draft Remarks of Hon. George Walter Crockett on Debate on H.R. 4868

Letter from P. K. Kaul, from the Embassy of India, regarding resolutions against apartheid passed in India’s Parliament
Attached are a note from Ted to Crockett and Crockett's handwritten response, and the resolutions adopted by India

The elimination of all forms of racial discrimination

Tougher sanctions against South Africa

Anti-Apartheid Act of 1986-Veto message from the President of the United States

Calling for immediate release of all children detained under state of emergency regulations in South Africa. (H. Res. 141)

Providing for consideration of H.R. 1580, Anti-Apartheid Act Amendments of 1988

Letter from Edward Kennedy to George W. Crockett on October 2, 1986
Success in enacting South Africa Sanctions. Tally Sheet of Senate Roll Call Vote.