Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday Bill

Martin Luther King Jr. Day
A speech on celebration of the birthday of Martin Luther King Jr.

Introduction of H.R. 16336, to designate birthday of Martin Luther King Jr. a holiday

Additional cosponsors for S. 743

Introduction of H.R. 1810, to designate birthday of Martin Luther King Jr. a holiday

Resolution by Freeholder Lattimore for the committee of the whole
A copy of Resolution # 194 concerning making the birthday of Dr. King a national holiday by the Board of Chosen Freeholders.

Introduction of H.R. 16831, to designate birthday of Martin Luther King Jr. a holiday

Introduction of H.R. 5895, to designate birthday of Martin Luther King Jr. a holiday

The Martin Luther King Jr. National Holiday bill
Speech honoring Dr. Martin Luther King

Letter to congressman Louis Stokes from Matilda McGowan
A notifying letter that the Board of Chosen Freeholders sends Stokes a copy of Resolution # 194 concerning making the birthday of Dr. King a national holiday.

Letter from John Conyers to his colleagues regarding the Martin Luther King Jr. holiday bill
Introduction of and asking for co-sponsors for the MLK Holiday bill.