Martin Luther King Jr.

Pennsylvania legislature supports national holiday to honor memory of Dr. Martin Luther King

A national holiday for Martin Luther King Jr.

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

Debates and speeches for H.R. 3706

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s birthday: a day for national observance

Martin Luther King Jr. holiday (H.R. 3706) debates

It will live on

Martin Luther King Jr. holiday (H.R. 3706) debates
During these debates Helms alleges that King was a Communist citing former FBI head, J. Edgar Hoover's, files on King as evidence. He also requests that the Senate hold hearings to investigate his claims before they vote on H.R. 3706. Senator Kennedy and other rebut...

Remembering Dr. King

Martin Luther King Jr. holiday (H.R. 3706), debate on amendments, and vote

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
Text of remarks delivered by Sen. Edward Kennedy during ecumenical services in the Ebenezer Baptist Church of Atlanta, Ga., on January 15, 1977.