Origins of the Congressional Black Caucus

CBC Members During the 94th-95th Congress
Left to Right: (front row) Rep. Cardiss Collins, Rep. Yvonne Burke, Rep. Shirley Chisholm (back row) Rep. Louis Stokes, Rep. Parren Mitchell, Rep. Charles Rangel, Rep. Andrew Young, Rep. Charles Diggs Jr., Rep. Ralph Metcalfe, Rep. Robert Nix, Del. Walter Fauntroy,...

Tools for 2000: Planning Our Work-Working our Plan
Congressional Black Caucus Foundation 29th Annual Legislative ConferenceSeptember 1999

Rep. Charles E. Nash (R-LA)
Representative of Louisiana's 6th Congressional District from March 4, 1875 to March 3, 1877 (44th-45th Congresses)

Program for the Congressional Black Caucus 5th Annual Dinner

Rep. Alonzo J. Ransier (R-SC)
Representative of South Carolina's Second Congressional District from March 3, 1873 to March 3, 1875 (43rd Congress)

Rep. William L. Clay Sr. (D-MO)
Representative of Missouri's First Congressional District from January 3, 1969 to January 3, 2001 (91st-106th Congresses)

Rep. Robert N.C. Nix Sr. (D-PA)
Representative of Pennsylvania's Second Congressional District from June 4, 1958 to January 3, 1979 (85th-95th Congresses)

Rep. Henry P. Cheatham (R-NC)
Representative of North Carolina's Second Congressional District from March 4, 1889 to March 3, 1893 (51st-52nd Congresses)

CBC members meet with President Ronald Reagan at the White House
Left to Right: Rep. John Conyers Jr., Rep Shirley Chisholm, Vice President George Bush, Rep. George Leland, Rep. Charles Rangel, Rep. Julian Dixon, Rep. Augustus Hawkins, Rep. George Crockett Jr., Rep. Parren Mitchell, Rep. William clay Sr., Rep. Mervyn Dymally, Del....

Sen. Hiram R. Revels (R-MS)
Mississippi Senator from February 25, 1870 to March 3, 1871 (41st Congress) First black Member of Congress, first black Senator, first black Republican elected to Congress, first black Member of Congress from Mississippi

Rep. William L. Clay Sr. (D-MO)
Representative of Missouri's First Congressional District from January 3, 1969 to January 3, 2001 (91st-106th Congresses)