South Africa

Letter from M. Mikus to George Crockett regarding H. Res. 373 and negotiations in South Africa

Perceptions of apartheid in South Africa

Letter from George Crockett to Howard Wolpe regarding support for South Africa Resolution

Crockett applauds Subcommittee action on H. Res. 373; calls for swift passage by House

Letter from Herbert Beukes, Ambassador of South Africa to the United States, to George Crockett

Letter from Mickey Leland and Charles Rangel on July 24, 1986
Anti Apartheid provision in Senate dept ceiling bill.

Letter from George Crockett to Mark Siljander, Congressman, regarding H. Res. 373

Memo from Lezli Baskerville, Executive Director of the National Black Leadership Roundtable, to the Congressional Black Caucus regarding the Rainbow Coalition’s “Sojourn for Truth”

Additional co-sponsors for H. Res. 373

Statement of George Crockett in support of H. Res. 373