
Introduction of H.R. 8497, to designate birthday of Martin Luther King Jr. a holiday

Introduction of S.J. Res. 3, to designate birthday of Martin Luther King Jr. a holiday

Introduction of H.R. 5895, to designate birthday of Martin Luther King Jr. a holiday

Introduction of H.R. 1665, to designate birthday of Martin Luther King Jr. a holiday

Introduction of H.R. 12363, to designate birthday of Martin Luther King Jr. a holiday

Introduction of S.J. Res. 2, to designate birthday of Martin Luther King Jr. a holiday

Additional cosponsors for S.J. Res. 5

Introduction of H.R. 1824, to designate birthday of Martin Luther King Jr. a holiday

A nation in tribute to Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
A speech describing the celebrations of the birthday of the late Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., held across the nation on January 15, 1974 by Rep. Stokes.

Introduction of H.R. 2477, to designate birthday of Martin Luther King Jr. a holiday

In memory of Dr. Martin Luther King
Speech honoring Dr. Martin Luther King