Apartheid (opposition to)

Memo from Lezli Baskerville, Executive Director of the National Black Leadership Roundtable, to the Congressional Black Caucus regarding the Rainbow Coalition’s “Sojourn for Truth”

Additional co-sponsors for H. Res. 373

Statement of George Crockett in support of H. Res. 373

Fauntroy co-sponsors Anti Apartheid Act of 1986

Remarks of George Crockett in support of H. Res. 373

H.R. 4868, The Anti-Apartheid Act

Effect of anti-apartheid legislation

S. Con. Res. 421OR for South Carolina
Handwritten note that it passed unanimously 5/6/1986

Letter from Ron Dellums to George W. Crockett Jr. on June 24, 1986

H.R. 4868, a bill too prohibit loans to, and investments in South Africa
Prohibition of loans to, other investments in etc. South Africa.