Apartheid (opposition to)

Letter from George Crockett to colleagues regarding H.R. 373, and New York Times article
Invitation to other Congresspersons to support/ co-sponsor HR 373.

Letter to George W Crockett from Senator Theo W. Mitchell

Memo from Ted Kelly to George Crockett updating him on co-sponsors for H. Res. 373

Letter from Lee Hamilton, Chairman of the Subcommittee on Europe and the Middle East, to George Crockett regarding H. Res. 373 co-sponsorship

Letter From William Gray to George W. Crockett Jr. on June 23, 1986
Anti Apartheid Act of 1986.

Letter from Byron Rushing, Massachusetts Representative, to George Crockett

Letter from Ron Dellums to Crockett on Apartheid
Legislation to propose partial sanctions on South Africa.

Letter from George Crockett to M. Mikus

Anti-Apartheid Act of 1986 (H.R. 4868, H. Res. 478)

Letter from Herbert Benkes, Ambassador of South Africa, to George Crockett