Apartheid (opposition to)

Letter from P. K. Kaul, from the Embassy of India, regarding resolutions against apartheid passed in India’s Parliament
Attached are a note from Ted to Crockett and Crockett's handwritten response, and the resolutions adopted by India

Letter from Mervyn Dymally to Oliver Tambo, President of the African National Congress, regarding celebration of the 75th anniversary of the African National Congress

South Africa and terrorism

Anti-Apartheid Act of 1986-Veto message from the President of the United States

Letter from Kelly (?) to George Crockett regarding South Africa

Congressman Wolpe’s “South Africa: a case for sanctions”

Letter from Edward Kennedy to George W. Crockett on October 2, 1986
Success in enacting South Africa Sanctions. Tally Sheet of Senate Roll Call Vote.

The Apartheid Profits Disincentive Act

But not Lesotho

Telephone message from Dumi Matabane, calling on behalf of Oliver Tambo of the African National Congress, regarding apartheid