Women of the CBC: Shirley A. Chisholm
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Rep. Shirley Chisholm (D-NY)
Representative of New York’s 12th Congressional District from January 3, 1969 to January 3, 1983 (91st-97th Congresses)
Rep. Shirley Anita St. Hill Chisholm (D-NY) was the first African American woman elected to Congress. Chisholm was a founding member of the Congressional Black Caucus and the first African American to make a serious bid for the Presidency of the United States of America. Rep. Chisholm was known for her advocacy on behalf of women and underserved minorities. She was also noted for her opposition to the U.S. involvement in the Vietnam War, her support of full-employment programs, and her efforts on behalf of Black colleges, compulsory education, and minimum wage.
Shirley Chisholm was born in New York City on November 30, 1924. She grew up in Barbados and in Brooklyn, New York. She graduated with a Bachelor’s Degree from Brooklyn College in 1946. While working as a teacher, Chisholm earned a Master’s degree in elementary education from Columbia University’s Teacher’s College. Until 1964, she served as a director of a childcare center and an education consultant.
In 1964, Chisholm ran and was elected to the New York State Legislature where she served for four years. Then in 1968, Chisholm became the first African American woman elected to Congress, representing New York’s 12th District.
Chisholm served the United States House of Representatives for seven terms, from 1968-1983 (91st-97th Congresses). She was the first African American woman elected to the U.S. Congress and was an effective advocate for the needs of minorities, women, and children. Chisholm served on the Education and Labor, Rules, and Veterans Affairs committees. During her fifteen years in the House, Chisholm co-founded the National Political Congress of Black Women, supported the Equal Rights Amendment, and fought to legalize abortions. Chisholm was also a co-founder the National Organization for Women (NOW). In 1972, Chisholm was also the first African American woman to run for President of the United States. When she retired in 1983, she was the third-highest ranking member of the Education and Labor Committee.
After leaving Congress, Chisholm was named to the Purington Chair at Mount Holyoke College in South Hadley, Massachusetts, where she taught politics and women’s studies, while remaining an advocate for education. In both 1984 and 1988, Chisholm worked on the presidential campaigns of Rev. Jesse Jackson Sr. In 1987, she retired from teaching and moved to Florida. Rep. Chisholm died on January 1, 2005.
In February 2005, Shirley Chisholm ’72: Unbought and Unbossed, a documentary film chronicling Chisholm’s 1972 bid for the Democratic presidential nomination, aired on U.S. public television.
Shirley Chisholm is also the author of two autobiographical works entitled Unbought and Unbossed (1970) and The Good Fight (1973).
Shirley A. Chisholm Timeline
November 30, 1924 Born Shirley St. Hill in Brooklyn, NY
1927-1934 Lived in Barbados with maternal grandmother
1942 Graduated from Girls’ High School in Brooklyn, NY
1946 Graduated from Brooklyn College with a Bachelor of Arts
1952 Earned a master’s degree from Columbia University’s Teachers College
1949 Married Conrad Chisholm
1953-1959 Director of the Hamilton-Madison Child Care Center
1960 Helped to form a Unity Democratic Club in New York
1959-1964 Served as an educational consultant for the Division of Day Care
1964 Elected to New York State Legislature
1968 Became the first African American woman elected to Congress when she won election to represent New York’s 12th Congressional District
1969 Helped found Congressional Black Caucus. Chisholm was the only woman among the founding members.
1970 Was cofounder of the National Organization for Women (NOW)
1970 Published Unbought and Unbossed
January 23, 1972 Chisholm was the first African American person to run for President
1972 Chisholm made a bid for the Democratic Party’s presidential nomination. She did not win the nomination, but she did receive 151 of the delegates’ votes
1973 Published The Good Fight
1977 Joined the powerful House Rules Committee.
1977 Married Arthur Hardwick
1983 Ended her term as a Congresswoman representing New York’s 12th District
1993 Was nominated to be U.S. ambassador to Jamaica by President Bill Clinton but withdrew because of ill health
January 1, 2005 Died