Origins of the Congressional Black Caucus: Debates
Take an in-depth look at how, when and why the CBC was established.

Rep. John Conyers Jr. (D-MI) and Rep. Louis Stokes (D-OH)
The Congressional Black Caucus formally introduced itself to Congress on March 30, 1971. On this historic date, Congressman Charles C. Diggs Jr. (D-MI) presented “The Statement to the President of the United States” by the Congressional Black Caucus. On March 25, 1971, the CBC delivered the statement to President Richard Nixon during a formal meeting with the president. The statement included more than sixty recommendations for executive action on a range of issues concerning black America. In his presentation of the Caucus’ statement, Representative Diggs recognized the thirteen founding members and declared their issues and concerns to be non-partisan. With this statement, the Congressional Black Caucus hoped to draw the attention of Democratic and Republican leadership in Congress, as well as the public, to the concerns of black Americans. It was through this statement that the CBC began its long history of advocacy for the concerns of the African-American community.