Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday Bill

Introduction of H.R. 2972, 2973, 2974, 2975 and 2976 to designate birthday of Martin Luther King Jr. a holiday

Congressional Black Caucus this week : Congressional Black Caucus legislative weekly 98th Congress
Legislation of major concern to the black community scheduled for House floor action for the first week of August, 1983; Bills include H.R. 3345 (Martin Luther King Jr. legal public holiday), S. 272 (Small business access to federal procurement information conference...

Designate the birthday of Martin Luther King, Junior, a legal public holiday : report together with minority views to accompany S. 25
Senate report - 96th Congress, 1st session, 1979 no. 96-284; calendar no. 304; the report includes Minority views of senators Thurmond, Laxalt, Hatch and Simpson and Individual views of Thad Cochran and jointed in by senator Alan Simpson.

Martin Luther King Jr. holiday (H.R. 3706), debate on amendments, and vote

Additional sponsors for S. 2630 to designate birthday of Martin Luther King Jr. a holiday

The Martin Luther King Jr. national holiday bill
Conyers speech on floor of the House regarding his introduction of bill to make a national holiday honoring Martin Luther King Jr.'s birthday.

Draft remarks of congressman Geo. W. Crockett Jr. on the Martin Luther King Jr. birthday bill
A draft remarks to encourage the Congress to designate the birthday of Dr. King a national holiday.

S. 25, a bill to designate the birthday of Martin Luther King, Junior, a legal public holiday
Senate report - 96th Congress, 1st session, 1979 no. 96-284; calendar no. 304; a bill introduced by Mr. Bayh, Mr. Kennedy, Mr. Glenn, Mr. Dole, and Mr. Percy in the Senate on January 15, 1979 to designate the birthday of Martin Luther King Jr. a legal public holiday.

Remarks on signing the bill making the birthday of Martin Luther King Jr., a national holiday
The speech of President Ronald Reagan in the Rose Garden at the White House on making the birthday of Martin Luther King Jr. a national holiday; H.R. 3706 - Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday bill was approved on November 2;

Additional sponsors for S. 2630 to designate birthday of Martin Luther King Jr. a holiday