Anti-Apartheid Movement

Letter from George Crockett to Charles Walton, Rhode Island Senator

South African catastrophe; Anti-Apartheid

Letter from George Crockett to William Kontos, Executive Director of the Secretary of State’s Advisory Committee on South Africa

Letter from Edward Kennedy to George W. Crockett on July 8, 1986
Dellums Anti Apartheid Divestment Bill.

Letter from Charles Walton, Rhode Island Senator, to George Crockett

Letter from George Crockett to Byron Rushing

Letter from Mary Flowers, Illinois Representative, to George Crockett

New York law prohibits contracts with firms enforcing apartheid

Letter from George Crockett to colleagues regarding H.R. 373, and New York Times article
Invitation to other Congresspersons to support/ co-sponsor HR 373.

Letter to George W Crockett from Senator Theo W. Mitchell