A Historic Election and a Legacy of Environmental Advocacy
As a former senator and member of the Congressional Black Caucus, President-Elect Barack Obama made history with his successful bid to become the 44th president of the United States. Not only is he the country’s first black chief executive, Obama is a public servant with a history of advocacy on behalf of the environment and environmental justice. He served on the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee in the 109th Congress and continued working to achieve environmental equity and sustainability through the 110th Congress. Demonstrating his commitment through a high environmental voting score , he led numerous environment-focused conversations including an issue forum titled Climate Change: Are We Ready? at the Congressional Black Caucus Foundations 2007 Annual Legislative Conference.
On November 4, 2008, President-Elect Barack Obama’s victory marked 138 years after the first African American, Hiram Rhodes Revels, was elected to the United States Senate and 42 years after the Voting Rights Act of 1965 was passed to guarantee the rights of all Americans to vote regardless of race. Avoice congratulates Obama for starting yet another chapter in African American political history.
Watch President-Elect Obamas 2007 forum, “Climate Change: Are We Ready?”.
To learn more about the CBCs work on environmental issues visit the Avoice exhibit on Environmental Justice.