Laws and legislation

Letter from George Crockett to Margaret Smith, Illinois Senator, regarding Nelson Mandela

Letter from Ronald Shultz, with the City of Baltimore, to George Crockett

Memo from Ted Kelly to George Crockett updating him on co-sponsors for H. Res. 373

Letter from George Crockett to another member of the House asking for support on H. Res. 373

Letter from George Crockett to Ed Zschau regarding Mandela Freedom Resolution, and need for support on H. Res. 373

Letter from Edward Kennedy to George W. Crockett on July 8, 1986
Dellums Anti Apartheid Divestment Bill.

Speech by George Crockett before the Secretary of State Advisory Committee

Letter from George Crockett to Howard Wolpe regarding support for South Africa Resolution

South African catastrophe; Anti-Apartheid

Fighting apartheid