
Remembering Dr. King

Debates and speeches for H.R. 3706

Additional sponsors for S. J. Res. 9

He had a dream

Creating a national holiday honoring the birthday of Martin Luther King Jr. (H.R. 3706)

Introduction of H.R. 9241 to designate birthday of Martin Luther King Jr. a holiday

Introduction of S. 2630 to designate birthday of Martin Luther King Jr. a holiday

Additional sponsors for S. J. Res. 9

The Martin Luther King holiday bill (H.R. 3706)

Designation of the birthday of Martin Luther King Jr., as a legal holiday : report together with minority vies to accompany H.R. 5461
House report - 96th Congress, 1st session, 1979 no. 96-543; the report includes Minority views on H.R. 5471.