Congressional Black Caucus this week : Congressional Black Caucus legislative weekly 98th Congress

Date Created: 1983-08
Location: Moorland-Spingarn Research Center, Howard University
Access Conditions: Fair Use
Exhibit: Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday Bill

Legislation of major concern to the black community scheduled for House floor action for the first week of August, 1983; Bills include H.R. 3345 (Martin Luther King Jr. legal public holiday), S. 272 (Small business access to federal procurement information conference report), H.R. 3409 (Amendments to Federal Supplemental Compensation Act), H.Con.Res.40 (Federal nutrition programs), H.R. 3394 (Student loan consolidation and technical amendments), H.R. 1646 (Railroad Retirement Solvency Act), H.R. 3329 (Conference report on Department of Transportation appropriations for fiscal year 1984), H.R. 2957 (International Recovery and Financial Stability Act), H.R. 3021 (Health Care for the Unemployed Act).

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