Origins of the Congressional Black Caucus

Defying Odds, Expanding Opportunities: The African American Challenge
Congressional Black Caucus Foundation 21st Annual Legislative Weekend ProgramSeptember 1991

Rep. John Conyers Jr. (D-MI), Rep. Parren J. Mitchell (D-MD), and Rep. George W. Crockett Jr. (D-MI)
Left to Right: Unidentified Man, Rep. John Conyers Jr., Rep. Parren Mitchell, Rep. George Crockett Jr.

Black Americans in Congress, 1870-1977

CBC for the People Volume 1, Number 1

Evolution of a People, 22nd Annual Legislative Weekend Program
Congressional Black Caucus Foundation 22nd Annual Legislative Weekend ProgramSeptember 1992

CBC Members

President Nixon’s Letter to Rep. Charles Diggs Jr., in Response to Recommendations of the Congresional Black Caucus
At the first meeting between the Congressional Black Caucus and the executive branch on March 25, 1971, the CBC presented President Richard Nixon with a list of 60 recommendations for governmental action. This letter, Nixon's official response, was accompanied by a...

Generations: Celebrating the Legacy of African American Leadership
Congressional Black Caucus Foundation 23rd Annual Legislative Weekend Program September 1993

Congressional Black Caucus Photo
L-R: Rep. Charles A. Hayes; Rep. Harold Ford Sr.; Del. Walter Fauntroy; Rep. Alan Wheat; Rep. Edolphus Towns; Rep. Juilan Dixon; Rep. Mickey Leland; Rep. Ronald Dellums; Rep. Gus Savage; Rep. John Conyers; Rep. Mike Espy; Rep. Mervyn Dymally; Rep. Augustus Hawkins;...

Summary of the position statements presented to the President by the Congressional Black Caucus

Congressional Black Caucus Members
Left to Right: (first row) Rep. Gwen Moore; Del. Donna Christensen; Rep. Juanita Millender-McDonald; Rep. Donald Payne; Rep. Major Owens; Rep. Sanford Bishop; Rep. Maxine Waters; Rep. John Conyers Jr.; Rep. William Clay Sr.; Rep. Louis Stokes; Rep. Eva Clayton; Rep....