Women of the CBC

H.R. 3000, a bill to establish a United States Health Service to provide high quality comprehensive health care for all Americans and to overcome the deficiencies in the present system of health care delivery.

H.R. 1129, a bill to amend Title XIX of the Social Security Act to require State Medicaid programs to provide coverage of screening mammography and screening pap smears

H.R. 6275, a bill to improve the health of minority individuals.

Medically Underserved Access to Care Act (H.R. 1860)

Voting summary for Mental Health Systems Act bills, resolutions, etc.

H.R. 3588, a bill to direct the Secretary of Health and Human Services to establish health empowerment zone programs in communities that disproportionately experience disparities in health status and health care, and for other purposes.

The U.S. Supreme Court’s Ruling on the Gag Rule


Combating HIV/AIDS in the Black community

A Report from your Congresswoman Shirley Chisholm
Newsletter for Spring of 1981